13. Cash and Other Financial Assets

National Debt of Ireland

Cash Balances
Exchequer Account 7,963,751 4,089,063
Capital Services Redemption Account (note 5.1) 489 451
Cash Deposits
Deposits with Commercial Banks 853,184 2,984,165
Collateralised Deposits 925,000 2,556,000
Collateral Funding (note 15.1) 202,930 511,410
Other Financial Assets
Treasury Bills 1,184,323 1,473,507
Housing Finance Agency Guaranteed Notes 2,424,316 3,144,515
13,553,993 14,759,111

The Agency places short-term investments in Deposits, Collateralised Deposits and Treasury Bills for maturities of up to one year for the purpose of liquidity management.

Cash is placed as collateral with these counterparties arising from the requirements under the Credit Support Annexes, in respect of certain derivative transactions. These balances, and access to the related cash collateral, change on a daily basis and are dependent on the market value of these derivatives (See Note 15).

The Housing Finance Agency Guaranteed Notes may not be readily realisable dependent on market conditions.

Foreign Currency Clearing Accounts

The Agency maintains a number of foreign currency clearing accounts for the purpose of managing transactions in these currencies. The balance held in these accounts at 31 December 2015 was nil (2014: Nil). The Agency held no other foreign currency cash balances at year end, with the exception of one deposit of US $0.2 million (2014: US$0.2 million) held at the Central Bank of Ireland as a requirement of the EU/IMF Funding Programme.

The movement in the Foreign Currency accounts are further outlined below:

Net 2015
Net 2014
Balance at 1 January 2015 NIL NIL
Debt Service
MLT Loans Interest 241,984 (352,117) (110,133) (349,006)
Short-Term Debt Interest - (10,614) (10,614) (1,185)
Other Movements 23,442,098 (21,468,888) 1,973,210 (916,667)
Fees and Expenses - (8,283) (8,283) (7,601)
Expenses of the Agency 4 (1,500) (1,496) (1,367)
Borrowing Activity
EU/IMF Programme 9,641,721 (10,325,475) (683,754) (653,118)
Other MLT Loans - - - (69,049)
Short-Term Debt 4,042,778 (5,201,708) (1,158,930) 1,997,993
Balance at 31 December 2015 37,368,585 (37,368,585) NIL NIL