2. Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared for the year ended 31 December 2016. The comparative period is the year ended 31 December 2015. All amounts in the financial statements have been rounded to the nearest €m unless otherwise indicated. Where used, ‘€'000’ or ‘k’ denotes thousand, ‘m’ denotes million and ‘bn’ denotes billion.

The financial statements have been prepared pursuant to Section 12 of the National Treasury Management Agency Act 1990 (as amended) in a format approved by the Minister for Finance.

On the commencement of Part 6 of the NTMA Act 2014, the assets and liabilities of the National Pensions Reserve Fund (“NPRF”) became the assets and liabilities of the Fund (subject to the provisions of Schedule 4 of the NTMA Act 2014 in the case of certain foreign assets and foreign liabilities). The legal transfer of foreign assets must be done in conjunction with the relevant counterparty. The process is largely complete and a small number of foreign assets have not legally transferred from the NPRF to the Fund as at 31 December 2016. These assets (held by the NPRF Commission acting through the Agency) were previously derecognised by the NPRF Commission following the transition date and are recognised and presented within the Fund’s financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2016, in line with Financial Reporting Standards (“FRS”).

Notwithstanding the Fund’s significant holdings in the equity of Allied Irish Banks p.l.c. (“AIB”) as part of its Directed Investments, the Agency (as manager and controller of the Fund) does not have the ability to exercise control, dominant influence or significant influence over AIB as the Minister has reserved the voting control in the shares to his direction alone. Therefore, the Agency does not consolidate the results and the financial position of AIB into the financial statements of the Fund.

Statement of compliance

The financial statements have been prepared in compliance with applicable legislation, FRS 102 Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland issued by Financial Reporting Council in the UK for use in Ireland.

< NOTE 1

NOTE 3 >