Funding and Debt Management

Funding and Debt Management

The NTMA Funding and Debt Management Unit is responsible for borrowing on behalf of the Government and managing the National Debt in order to ensure liquidity for the Exchequer and to minimise the interest burden over the medium term.

2024 Benchmark Bond Funding

€5bn completed Download

Annual Funding Plan for 2024

NTMA publishes Annual Funding Plan for 2024 Read More

Investor Presentation

NTMA’s latest Investor Presentation Download

Issuance Schedule Q3 2024

NTMA Issuance Schedule for Quarter 3, 2024 Read More

Latest News

NTMA welcomes Fitch’s upgrade of Ireland’s sovereign debt rating to AA Read More

Latest News

Ireland sells €1 billion of bonds maturing in 2034 and 2041 by auction Read More

Latest News

Ireland sells €1 billion of bonds maturing in 2034 and 2043 by auction Read More
2024 Benchmark Bond Issuance YTD | Average Maturity

12.1 yrs

2024 Benchmark Bond Issuance YTD | Average Yield


Credit Ratings

Long-term AA Category rating with all of the major rating agencies

Gross National Debt at end-June 2024

In this section of the website you will find information about Ireland’s debt profile and the NTMA’s short and long-term borrowing programmes. This section also contains information about the Irish economy and the public finances as well as some useful links to other official sources of information.

  • Additional Information
    • In addition to its core functions of borrowing for the Exchequer and debt management, the NTMA Funding and Debt Management Unit performs a number of other functions:

      • carrying out treasury operations on behalf of the National Asset Management Agency and the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund;
      • providing a Central Treasury Service for State bodies and local authorities;
      • managing the assets of the Dormant Accounts Fund;
      • operating the Credit Institutions (Eligible Liabilities Guarantee) Scheme 2009;
      • management of State Savings – the brand name used to describe the range of Government savings products offered by the NTMA to personal savers;
      • engaging in daily short-term cash management operations to regulate the level of Government cash balances at the Central Bank of Ireland. This is undertaken as part of the overall management of liquidity in the eurozone by the European Central Bank; and
      • purchasing carbon credits on behalf of Ireland as part of Ireland’s response to its commitments under the Kyoto Protocol.
      • Ireland-Apple Escrow Fund: oversight of the investment and management of the Escrow Fund, in accordance with certain functions delegated by the Minister for Finance to the NTMA and complying with related Ministerial directions.