Sustainability and Climate Action

Sustainability and Climate Action

NEED To Act Now - Supporting Ireland’s transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy.

The NTMA is building on its leadership role in sustainable finance to support the delivery of Government’s climate action initiatives through its mandates and to be a Net Zero emissions organisation by 2030. The NTMA’s climate goals comprise of external and internal deliverables to be achieved through its business mandates, processes and systems. The four goals reflect the work currently underway with targets set to further enhance the NTMA’s drive to support Government’s climate action commitments. The goals also commit the NTMA to be environmentally sustainable, reflecting the “NEED To Act now”.

The oversight and monitoring of the NTMA’s Climate Action Strategy is a priority for the NTMA’s Board and Executive Management Team (EMT). The Chief Financial and Operating Officer (CFOO), with the support of the Head of Sustainability, is responsible for the co-ordination of combined climate action effort across the NTMA. The NTMA Sustainability Group, established in 2019, oversees delivery of the NTMA Climate Action Strategy while also facilitating cross unit collaboration and information sharing with respect to climate-related activities. The NTMA has also established an employee led Green Team to support the aim of the NTMA to be a recognised leader in sustainable workplace practices in Ireland. The Green Team assists in embedding new environmentally sustainable behaviours among all employees and consists of committed and engaged employees who undertake environmentally sustainable initiatives in addition to their other responsibilities.

NTMA Climate Action Strategy 2022-2024

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NTMA Climate Action Roadmap 2024


ISIF Climate Report


ISIF 2023 Mid-Year Update including FY 2022 Economic Impact Report


ISIF Sustainable & Responsible Investment Strategy


Green Bond Reports

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NTMA Annual Report 2023: Climate Action and Sustainability Section


NewERA Climate Action Framework Q1-2024 Implementation Update
